Many Oregonian’s jobs have been impacted by the pandemic. It happened to us too.
One CAC member was temporarily laid off when the restaurant he works at stopped having indoor dining. He was out of work for a month until they reopened.
Another member worked at a college. When all the students were sent home, she was too. She didn’t work for a whole year until she got a new job at a hospital.
A CAC member who had a housemate at higher risk of getting COVID had to stay home for three months before going back to work once his housemate moved. A CAC member who worked as a prep cook at an inn, chose to leave for his own comfort.
We’ve all had different experiences, but we’ve all been affected.
About Job Support
We wanted to learn more about work in the pandemic for people with disabilities and about how they can get support to find and keep a job.
We interviewed Kelly Graves, owner of a local supported Employment services company, and her staff who gave us tips on working with job developers and job coaches.
Kelly Graves Interview Transcript (PDF)
And we talked with Ruth Johnson of Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Ruth shared about the services that prepare people to be successful at work.
Ruth Johnson Interview Transcript (PDF)
Are you interested in finding work? Tell your Personal Agent or Services Coordinator. They will get you started.
If you don’t have one of those, start by contacting your county Community DD Program (CDDP) to find out about DD Services.
Find Supported Employment Services information and resources that may be available to you.
Information about Supported Employment in Oregon
Are you out of work because of the pandemic? Get support from someone you trust to help you apply for unemployment.