CAC United

This blog is where the Community Advocacy Council's members share information about disability, disability rights and other important topics.

Fall 2024

We’ve had a busy fall! At OSAC’s Inclusive Leadership Summit, we learned about topics that will require our advocacy in the upcoming legislative session, especially housing. Be on the lookout for more about the Accessible Housing Act 2025! We also attended SPARC’s Summit on Enrichment, Empowerment, and Diversity (SEED) where we received training in transformational advocacy from national advocacy leader, Sam Daley-Harris.

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June 2020: The CAC and COVID-19

We want to share our feelings about COVID-19. Here’s what we’ve come to so far. We feel this pandemic is having a unique impact on people with developmental disabilities. The effects are more significant for us in some ways.

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Feelings cloud

October 2019: Unified Sports

CAC member, Jim Clark, plays unified basketball and soccer at the University of Oregon. He taught us a lot about the program. Another CAC member, Rusty Hawkins, has also played on unified teams. They both had so many great things to say about it! So we did some research and interviewed Sean Graninger, Assistant Director of Intramural Sports at the UO. Here’s what we learned.

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July 2019: Welcome

Welcome to our blog! This is the first post of CAC United. We're a group of advocates who live in Eugene and Springfield, Oregon. Individually, we participate in lots of different activities in our community like work, school, basketball, painting, lesbian choir, and improv theater. We are passionate about working to make our community a better place for people with disabilities.

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Group Photo