State of Oregon

Down Syndrome Network Oregon

DSNO is a faith-based support group that provides comfort and acceptance for families, friends and individuals with Down syndrome. It is our goal to use community outreach events to create a vision of hope and awareness to demonstrate that every life brings value to the world. The values that guide our mission are advocacy, inclusiveness, equality and respect for life, compassion, comfort, hope and faith.

Disability Rights Oregon

DRO is a non-profit law office that provides advocacy and legal services to people with disabilities who have an issue related to their disability and that falls within their goals and priorities, which they set each year with help from the disability community.


Cognitopia develops life management applications for people who see the world a little differently. They create cognitively accessible web applications for self-management and executive functioning that help people with cognitive disabilities be more independent while helping caregivers provide better support.

Association of Oregon Centers for Independent Living

Independent Living Centers are non-residential, private, non-profit, consumer-controlled, community-based organizations providing services and advocacy by and for persons with all types of disabilities. Each ILC offers independent living skills training, peer counseling, and information about services that can assist a person live as independently as possible in the community.

The Arc Oregon

This organization assists individuals and families with issues such as future planning, the Oregon Special Needs Trust, guardianship, Think College Oregon, and participation in public policy.

Access Technologies Inc.

This Oregon statewide assistive technologies program is a part of a national network of technology-related assistance programs to increase access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services for individuals with disabilities and their families, and to facilitate the development of a consumer-responsive AT service delivery system. Program staff work with consumers, service providers, state agencies, private industry, legislators, and other interested individuals to facilitate the development of a statewide system to provide AT services.