National Organization on Disability
The National Organization on Disability (NOD) is a private, non-profit organization that promotes the full participation and contributions of America’s 57 million people with disabilities in all aspects of life. NOD focuses on increasing employment opportunities for the 80-percent of working-age Americans with disabilities who are not employed
Institute of Education Sciences
This site includes a “What Works” clearinghouse of practices in teaching different ages and subjects.
Oregon Homecare Commission
Oregon Homecare Commission provides training opportunities to Personal Support Workers.
Oregon Training and Consultation (OTAC)
Oregon Training and Consultation advocates for the rights of all people to have a voice in planning their own lives. They do this by educating and coaching professionals and family members who provide support to people with disabilities at home, at work, and in the community.
Employment First
This initiative is a philosophy and policy that promotes work equal opportunities for people with developmental disabilities.
Supporting parents to consider a study abroad experience: Resources and tips for the parent conversation
Mobility International USA (MIUSA), is a non profit organization that supports international exchange for students with disabilities as opportunities to gain experience, confidence and independence. This article shares one family’s experience with a cultural exchange program. Learn important tips and resources to help parents with concerns for health and safety, and to consider benefits of the exchange experience.