We want to share our feelings about COVID-19. Here’s what we’ve come to so far.
We feel this pandemic is having a unique impact on people with developmental disabilities. The effects are more significant for us in some ways.
We are worried about our safety. How do we stay safe? We’re not always sure.
“I’ve been to the ER twice because of asthma from wearing a mask. Now I just stay home.”
We’ve lost a lot of support like job coaches and service providers. For some of us, they don’t even call.
All the news and changes are harder because it takes a while to think through what’s happening and how to deal with it. “It took me longer to figure out – What does six feet apart really mean!?”
“My anxiety makes me scared I’m not getting it right.”
Sometimes we can find the bright side like using a mask as a fashion statement!
It’s hard not to be mad at the federal government. It feels like they care about money more than our safety.
It’s easy to get depressed sometimes from being so isolated. “I keep things fresh by doing something different every day.”
We’re grateful we have the CAC! We are getting together on Zoom twice a month to support each other and advocate for disability rights! We are looking forward to the day we can get together for a picnic in a park. We can’t wait!

Words that came up for us in our recent conversation about our experience
CAC member, Rusty Hawkins, shares a thoughtful video message
Support Hotlines
We are concerned about the mental health of others with disabilities and we want to share these hotlines with you:
National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
The is the NAMI Oregon phone number that is not a crisis line: 503-230-8009
Stay safe, everyone!
Don’t Come Too Close
CAC member, Anna Scott-Hinkle, shares her profound poetry:
Don’t Come Too Close
By Anna Scott-Hinkle